

選擇來菲律賓讀英文前我自己有糾結了一陣子,"讀英文怎麼不是去美國、英國或是澳洲英語系國家而是選擇菲律賓呢? "、"菲律賓老師口應會不會很重?", 相信大家要來之前應該也都跟我一樣有過這些疑惑,又或是你正在困惑中。

首先,菲律賓是英語系國家,是全球第9大使用英語的國家,英文能力自然是不用擔心。口音問題在來菲律賓之後就有老師幫我解答了這疑問,澳洲、美國、英國等等各國人講英文都有口音,甚至是台灣、日本也都有,何必考慮這點呢? 台灣人在講中文就有不同口音、語調,難道因為不同口音、語調台北人就聽不懂高雄、台南人說話了嗎?且,口音這回事在我上課第一天第一堂課我就發現我白擔心,老師口英標準的不得了~~!


光是語言學校,我就搜尋了至少30~40間,有的設施老舊、有的師資不好、斯巴達式的太過嚴格(需早上6點起床,晚上9點才下課)又有的學校地點不好,層層淘汰下選了 Stargate、CBOA及MeRISE做最後選擇,三家比較下來,論師資、環境及課程內容都是MeRISE取勝,唯有價格那關遲遲過不去,因為真的整整多其他兩間5~10萬(若你是選擇4人房,價格會跟其他間學校差不多)....最後,考量僅有MeRISE有商業英文的課程下還是選擇他!!


  • 台灣學生極少,大概只佔了1/10,其次都是日本人。也因為台灣學生少,學生經理也能針對個人問題即時處理。
  • 同學這主要是商業人士。(我自己碰到的同學有,日本節目主持人、半導體產業20年工作經驗以上的社會人士、眾多Auditor等等)
  • 極少數有商業英文的學校。(底下我會再針對商業英文多加說明)
  • 上課環境真的好!!質感裝潢。
  • 重點!! 客製化課程在開學第一天所有老師即會針對你個人能力及需求去制定課程。期間也會不斷修正。
  • 課程種類多元,5堂一對一,2堂團體課。
  • 每周皆有Presentation的機會,給予學生舞台。(我自己目前報告過一次,發現真的頗有幫助)  
  • 每周有課程回饋,針對每位老師評價,有此機制更證實師資保證。
  • 住宿環境良好。每周可申請1~2次打掃。
  • 協助換錢。每周皆有醫生到校看診,有需求的人可以預約)



  • Listening(Gerenal English)/General Speaking(Business English):我自己偷偷觀察,教材大多會跟TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS 差不多。
  • Speech Communication:針對每一個子音、母音、語調、重音加強修正、教你怎麼像Native speaker 說話、念文章的語調、停頓等等,能學得真的很多。
  • Current Event:主要是閱讀文章及讀後感想或議題討論。老師都會問你想要甚麼主題,像我前一兩周都在學習菲律賓的文、旅遊景點還有美食。
  • Gerenal English(GE) or Business English(BE):core teacher的課,每人都會有一個專屬指導老師,針對各方面去做補強。再上商業英文時,也會針對每個主題授課。
  • Group Class:主要是讓學生對話。GE偏向隨意聊天,生活分享等。BE多半是個案討論,上台演講等。


  • Socialize:著重社交對話,跟對正式、非正式及輕鬆場合皆有不同的表達方式。
  • Telephoning:接電話、打電話、電話抱怨等表達方式教授。
  • Presenatation:針對不同演講主題傳授報告方式、流程及內容架構。
  • Negotiation:談判方式及如何以有禮貌的方式表達、反駁意見。
  • Meeting:會議不同角色之不同表達方式。
  • Interview/CV/Cover letter:英文面試技巧及履歷書寫。可以在這邊順便完成英文履歷喔!!
  • Business correspondence:e-mail 書寫。




English is the most used language nowadays.Thus, learning English becomes more considerable than before. For most of Taiwanese, we may good at test but not good at speaking since we do not have environment to apply English and even a chance to practice. In the line with that, I chose to learn English in Philippines rather than Taiwan. Maybe some people will ask me ’’why Philippines not in the U.S.A or U.K?’’ Here are the causes. To start with cost, it cost lesser than the other country. Later, teaching way in Philippines is more fit for me. For instances, I have 7 hours to learn in one day here. Compare to the U.S.A., they just have 3~4 hours a day. Moreover, most of Taiwanese are afraid to speak in front of a group of people. In that case, we can not apply English not to mention to improve our speaking skills. On the other hand, we have man to man class for 5 hours in a day. In this situation, we do not speak then we can not learn. These two reasons are my main idea that is why I chose Philippines instead.

There are lots of class types for students to choose,such as general English, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, and business English. After I compared and discussed with consultant, I chose MeRISE English academy. I took 3 months to improve that I made the correct choice. When you finish my article, you will know the reasons.

  In MeRISE, you will have 6 teachers and all of them is in charge of different part of English skills, for example listening, speech communicating, reading, writing, and speaking.Moreover, you will have 2 group classes in a day which are focused on student interaction and it also called collaborative English. In addition, You do not have any textbook unlike the other academy. Every lesson that you are taught all customized. From the beginning of class, your teacher will discuss the topic that you like to learn. Also, there is an evaluation of lesson for every week. Under this system, you will not worry about that your classes are suit for you.

Besides, there is a unique feature about MeRISE, it is business English. MeRISE has complete system for business man or woman to learn expressions that you can apply in you job. To illustrate, they teach you how to socialize in formal or informal situation, how to use some polite expressions to reply a calling, and how to organize your idea when you have to prepare presentation. Being that said, most of students in MeRISE are experienced people. You can not only build a good relationship with qualified business man but practice English speaking. Just like kill two birds with one stone.

As I have said, learning English is getting more and more important. If you have gap year, why do not choose to improve your English skills rather than travel. Especially, it is a international world, you might have business with foreigner in the future, you must lean some English skill in business. Given that, MeRISE will be the best choice for you as it have customized lesson for everyone.

I totally encourage you to come to MeRISE to learn English. In my case, I upgrade two level of my English ability just for 4 weeks. So what are you waiting for?


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